Clinical Quality Measures
Measure Description: Percentage of adults 50-75 years of age who had appropriate screening for colorectal cancer
Denominator: Patients 50-75 years of age with a visit during the measurement period
Numerator: Patients with one or more screenings for colorectal cancer. Appropriate screenings are defined by any one of the following criteria:
Measure Calculation in ChARM EHR: AUTOMATIC and MANUAL
This measure is calculated based on the colorectal cancer screening performed for the patient.
To satisfy this measure, for patient with Age >= 50 and < 75years either one of the five colorectal cancer screening procedures listed below needs to be performed.
FOBT and FIT DNA tests need to recorded under Patient > Lab Records section.
Colonoscopy, Flexible Sigmoidoscopy, CT Colonography procedures need to recorded under 'Encounter > MU' section.
Note: Sample LOINC codes for FOBT test are 12503-9, 27396-1, 56491-4 and FIT-DNA test are 77353-1, 77354-9. Before start recording the result, make sure you have updated correct LOINC codes for FOBT and FIT-DNA test parameters under 'Settings > Labs > Customize Labs'' section. Otherwise the result will not be considered for CQM calculation.
Denominator Exclusion: Patients can be automatically excluded if they are having diagnoses of ‘Malignant Neoplasm of Colon’ (Sample ICD10 code : C18.0, C18.7, C78.5)
In addition, you can manually exclude a patient from denominator, based on other conditions listed below under 'Encounter > MU' section.