Clinical Quality Measures
Measure Description: Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy who had a dilated macular or fundus exam performed with documented communication to the physician who manages the ongoing care of the patient with diabetes mellitus regarding the findings of the macular or fundus exam at least once within 12 months
IPP: All patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy
Denominator: Equals Initial Population who had a dilated macular or fundus exam performed
Numerator: Patients with documentation, at least once within 12 months, of the findings of the dilated macular or fundus exam via communication to the physician who manages the patient's diabetic care
Measure Calculation in ChARM EHR: MANUAL
This measure is manually calculated based on the actions recorded under 'Encounter > MU' section.
To satisfy this measure, for patient with Age >= 18 years with an active diagnosis of 'Diabetic Retinopathy’ (Example ICD 10 codes : E08.311,E08.3213, E08.3411 ), Macular Exam Study should be performed and the level of Severity of Retinopathy, presence or absence of Macular Edema should be communicated to the physician managing ongoing diabetes care.
Denominator Exception: Patients can be manually exempted based on the conditions listed below under 'Encounter > MU' section.