Resource Center

Clinical Quality Measures

CMS149 - Dementia: Cognitive Assessment

Measure Description: Percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a diagnosis of dementia for whom an assessment of cognition is performed and the results reviewed at least once within a 12 month period

Denominator: All patients, regardless of age, with a diagnosis of dementia

Numerator: Patients for whom an assessment of cognition is performed and the results reviewed at least once within a 12 month period

Measure Calculation in ChARM EHR: MANUAL

This measure is calculated based on the actions recorded under 'Encounter > MU' section.

To satisfy this measure, for patient with minimum of 2 encounters with an active diagnosis of ‘Dementia & Mental Degenerations’ (Sample ICD10 Code : F02.80 , F03.91 , G31.01), perform cognitive assessment and review the result. Also, the actions should be recorded under 'Encounter > MU' section as shown below.
Dementia Assessment

Denominator Exception: You can manually exempted a patient from denominator, based on the conditions listed below under 'Encounter > MU' section.
Dementia Assessment Exception