Resource Center

Clinical Quality Measures

CMS65 - Hypertension: Improvement in Blood Pressure

Measure Description: Percentage of patients aged 18-85 years of age with a diagnosis of hypertension whose blood pressure improved during the measurement period

Denominator: All patients aged 18-85 years of age, who had at least one outpatient visit in the first six months of the measurement year, who have a diagnosis of essential hypertension documented during that outpatient visit, and who have uncontrolled baseline blood pressure at the time of that visit

Numerator: Patients whose follow-up blood pressure is at least 10 mmHg less than their baseline blood pressure or is adequately controlled.

If a follow-up blood pressure reading is not recorded during the measurement year, the patient's blood pressure is assumed "not improved."

Measure Calculation in ChARM EHR: AUTOMATIC

This measure is automatically calculated based on the BP recorded in the Vitals section of the patient in multiple encounters.

To satisfy this measure, for patient with Age >= 18 and < 85 years with an active diagnosis of “Essential Hypertension” (Example ICD 10 codes : I10 ), take appropriate clinical measures to show improvement in the BP level of patient in subsequent visits.

Denominator Exclusion: Patients will be automatically excluded if they satisfy anyone of the below conditions

  1. Patient has Diagnosis 'Pregnancy' (Sample ICD 10 codes are O00.2 , O09.00 , O09.829)
  2. Patient has Diagnosis 'End Stage Renal Disease' (Sample ICD 10 codes are N18.6 )

In addition, you can manually exclude a patient from denominator, based on other conditions listed below under 'Encounter > MU' section.