News Room

Globetrotting with ChARM EHR

Greetings !

Hope you've had an excellent week and are looking forward to a great weekend. Here at ChARM EHR, we've been quite the travelers.

Last week we attended the HIMMS conference in New Orleans, Louisiana and had a great time meeting with some of you ChARM EHR users as well as chatting with a number of Naturopathic Doctors.

Additionally, Dr. Steve Rondeau whom we profiled a few months ago and also hosted our first ChARM EHR demonstration webinar, gave a presentation at HIMMS on Implementing an EHR in a Multi-disciplinary Mental Health Practice which was incredibly well received. (That's him ==> right before presenting!)

But the travel doesn't stop for us! Next week, we're headed to Costa Mesa, California from March 21-23 for the MAPS Spectrum Standard of Care Conference. If you're nearby, you should definitely come by and visit with us!

Keep an eye out for the next couple of newsletters from us because we have some exciting new announcements and webinars coming up!


**ChARM EHR is FREE to try for as long as you want! We're the only EHR that doesn't charge you until you exceed 50 encounters per month.

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