Resource Center


Clinical Information Reconciliation

For at least one transition of care or referral received or patient encounter in which the MIPS eligible clinician has never before encountered the patient, the MIPS eligible clinician performs clinical information reconciliation. The MIPS eligible clinician must implement clinical information reconciliation for the following three clinical information sets: (1) Medication. Review of the patient’s medication, including the name, dosage, frequency, and route of each medication. (2) Medication allergy. Review of the patient’s known medication allergies. (3) Current Problem list. Review of the patient’s current and active diagnoses.

Denominator: The number of transitions of care or referrals during the performance period for which the MIPS eligible clinician was the recipient of the transition or referral or has never before encountered the patient.

Numerator: The number of transitions of care or referrals in the denominator where the following three clinical information reconciliations were performed: medication list, medication allergy list, and current problem list.

ChARM EHR Workflow:

Medication reconciliation should be performed for all the patients that are transitioned to your practice.

Follow the steps below for patients that are referred to you.

  1. Go to Encounter > MU > Referral/Reconciliation section
  2. Choose the option ‘This encounter is based on a Referral or Transition of Care incoming request’ or ’This is the first encounter with this patient’
  3. Reconcile patient’s current medications, allergies and problems and record them under Patient Dashboard > Medication section.
  4. Reconciliation can be performed manually or if the patient has a CCDA file, you can incorporate the CCDA file and use the built-in reconcile feature to quickly reconcile the medications.
  5. After reconciliation, select the Clinical Reconciliation > Medication, Allergies, Problems option to satisfy this measure.