You can customize the health vitals that need to appear on the Patient chart by following the steps given below.
You can add new Custom Vitals according to your Specialty. For example, as a Gynecologist, you may need to include 'LMP' as one of the Custom Vital. To configure Custom Vitals, you can follow the steps given below.
You can add the Provider Signature in CharmHealth that gets included in Rx, Lab Order, Image Order, Patient Summary, and Chart Note. For adding the signature, follow the steps given below.
You can modify the Encounter Preferences in CharmHealth that need to be applied for the Chart Note(s) you create.
You can select the default charting types required for the Provider and choose the default Chart Note when you open up a new Consultation note. You can also choose the SOAP sections to be available within the Chart Note.
When you need the Chart to be co-signed by a supervising Provider, you can configure them from the 'Auto Assign Co-Signer' section.
On configuring this setting, the Co-signer will be auto-assigned to all the chart notes signed by the Provider.
Once the co-signer gets assigned, the supervising Provider can co-sign the Chart Note signed by the configured Providers from the 'Chart Notes' section with the Chart status as 'To be Co-Signed'.
You can select the type of diagnosis code that you would like to use within the Chart Note from the 'Settings > Encounter > Preferences' section. You can choose the supported formats, viz., SNOMED and ICD10.
You can control whether to list the custom drugs added to the system in the Prescription search view or not.
You can control the data that gets shared to the Patient Portal (PHR). The Practice Administrator can turn on/off the modules to be shown in the PHR account. To do this, go to the 'Settings > PHR settings > Preferences' section.
Uncheck the modules not used in your Practice and click on the 'Save' button.