Resource Center

Creating Templates

Creating Vaccine Chart

A vaccination chart is a series of Vaccinations, including the schedule of all doses that can be recommended or required, depending on the country of residence.

To create a Vaccine Chart, go to the 'Settings > Immunization' section and click on the 'Vaccine Chart' option.
Vaccine Chart

Click on the '+ New Vaccine Chart' button.
Create Vaccine Chart

Provide a name for the Vaccine chart and add the Vaccines by clicking on the '+' icon against the Vaccine.
Add Vaccine to Chart

You will be prompted to add the Vaccine Schedule with the Dosage information. Click on the 'Add' button to add the Vaccine to the vaccination chart.
Add Vaccine Schedule

For editing the Vaccine Chart, go to the 'Settings > Immunization' section and click on the 'Vaccine Chart' option. You will see the list of Vaccines already added to the chart. You can click on the 'Edit' and 'Delete' options against each vaccine to edit or delete them.
Delete Vaccine From Chart

  • While adding the Vaccine under the Encounter or 'Patient Dashboard > Vaccine' section, the '# in Series' and the 'Vaccine Name' should match with the one available in the Vaccine chart. Only then, it get reflected in the Vaccine chart.
    Example: If IPV is administered to the Patient without giving '# in Series', it will not get reflected in the Vaccine chart.
  • Combo Vaccines are different from individual Vaccines as they have different CVX codes.
    Example: If a combo Vaccine 'DTaP-Hib-IPV' is given to a Patient with '# in Series' as '1', it will not get reflected as Administered status in the Vaccine chart for 'DTaP', 'Hib', and 'IPV' as they are individual Vaccines.
  • For the combo Vaccine to get included in the vaccine chart, edit the Vaccine chart under the 'Settings > Immunization > Vaccine Chart' section and add the Vaccine to it.