Resource Center

Patient Management

Patient Demographics

  1. Click on the 'Patients' icon in the Dashboard.
    Patients Tab
  2. Click on the Patient whose demographic details you want to view/edit.
  3. Select the 'Patient Details' option and click on the 'Edit Patient' button.
    Edit Patient Details
  4. Make the required changes and click on the 'Update' button.

Medical History

  1. Click on the 'Patients' icon in the Dashboard and select the Patient from the list.
  2. Click on the 'Diagnoses' tab.
  3. Select the 'Active Diagnoses' option from dropbox to view the active list of diagnoses.
    Patient Medical History
  4. Select the 'Diagnosis History' option to view the past medical history of diagnosis.
    Past Medical History

Health Vitals

  1. Click on the 'Patients' icon.
  2. Select the Patient whose health Vital you need to enter.
  3. Click on the 'Vitals' option and select the '+ Vitals' button.
  4. Choose the date of entry from the 'Date' field and enter the health Vitals of the Patient, viz., Height, Weight, Blood Pressure, etc., and click on the 'Add' button.
    Add Health Vitals

Plot Health Vitals

  1. To plot the Health Vitals, click on the 'Plot' option under the 'More Options(...)' icon.
    Plot Health Vitals
  2. Select the parameter you want to plot from the dropbox. The graph for the parameter will get plotted, which can be printed using the 'Print' option.
    Health Vital Chart
  3. You can also import the past health vitals of the Patient using the 'Import Vitals' option.
  4. To do this, create an Excel sheet with the following parameters as comma-separated values. The order should be Date[dd/mm/yyyy], Weight (kgs), Height (cms), Head Circumference (cms), BP Systolic, BP Diastolic, Pulse.
  5. Browse the Excel sheet and click on the 'Import' button to import the past health vitals.
    Import Health Vitals

Growth Charts

Growth charts display plotted growth data, such as patient weight, height, and other vitals over time.

  1. To view the Growth Chart of a Patient, go to the 'Patient Dashboard > Vitals' section.
  2. Click on the 'More Options' (...) icon and select the 'Growth Chart' option.
    Vitals List
  3. The plotted growth data will be displayed as shown below. You can print the data by clicking on the 'Print' icon.
    Growth Chart
  4. You can attach the Growth Charts while creating Referral Outs for patients.
    Add Referral Out

Patient Alerts

Critical information about the Patients to alert the Staffs that require special attention can be added as 'Alerts'. The Alerts added to the Patient are highly visible and shown as a pop-up whenever you open the Patient chart. Follow the steps given below to add and manage the Patient Alerts.

  1. Go to 'Patient Dashboard > Alerts' and click on the '+ Alert' button. Also, you can click on the 'Add (+)' icon above and click on the 'Alert' menu.
    Add Patient Alert Option
  2. Enter the Alert description. You can also add the commonly used Alerts in your Practice to the 'Alert Master List' to search quickly and add the Alerts from the master list instead of typing them for each Patient. If the Patient has some linked Patients (family members), you can add the Alert to all of them.
    Add Patient Alert Dialog
  3. When the Patient has some Alerts added, it will be shown as a pop-up whenever you open the Patient chart. Alert notifications are shown in other sections as well while searching Patients, booking Appointments, etc.
    Patient Alerts
  4. You can also manage the 'Alert Master List' from the 'Settings > Patient > Alerts' section.
    Manage Patient Alerts


  1. Click on the 'Patients' icon and select the Patient from the list.
  2. Select the 'Medications' option and click on the 'Add Medication' button.
    Add Patient Medication
  3. Search for the drug name from the master list. You can use the Strength, Route, and Dose Form filters to refine the search results. Click on the 'Add' button against the Product name.
    Search Medication
  4. Enter the Directions, From date, To date, and Status of the Medication. Click on the 'Add' button to add the Medication.
    Add Custom Drug
  5. You can edit the Status of the Medication by clicking on the dropdown menu as shown below.
    Medication Status
  6. If you could not find the drug in the master list while adding Medications, you can add it as a 'Custom Drug' by clicking on the 'Add a new Custom Drug' option.
    Add a New Custom Drug Option
  7. Enter the Drug Type viz., Compounded or Drug, Drug Name, Strength, Route, Dose Form, DEA Schedule, and Intake details. Click on the 'Add' button to add the Custom Drug to the Medication.
    Add Custom Dosage


  1. Click on the 'Patients' icon and select the Patient.
  2. Go to the Patient Details.
  3. Click on the 'Questionnaires' tab.
  4. You can view all the filled-up Questionnaires by the Patient.
    Patient Questionnaire

Opioid Risk Tool Questionnaires

Our Opioid Risk Tool (ORT) Questionnaire allows Practices to access a Patient's Opioid Risk Score effortlessly. This score helps Providers in deciding on prescribing Controlled-Substances/Opioids.

The Practice Admin or Office Manager can enable ORT Questionnaire for your Practice using the steps below:

  1. Go to Settings > Encounter > Preferences section
  2. Choose 'Yes' for the 'Enable Opioid Risk Tool (ORT) questionnaire and score in my chart note' option.
    Enable Opioid Risk Tool
  3. Click on the 'Save' button.

Once enabled, you can view the gender-specific ORT questionnaires in the 'Settings > Practice Questionnaires' section.
Questionnaire Details

CharmHealth ORT questionnaires contain the standard ORT questions with Yes/No type answers. Thus, you cannot modify these questions.
ORT Questionnaires

While adding this questionnaire as a part of appointment booking or through Kiosk, an ORT questionnaire gets displayed based on the Patient gender. The Patient can fill out the ORT questionnaire on the Kiosk directly.

Also, you can share the ORT questionnaire with the Patient alongside other Questionnaires/Consent Forms while creating an appointment. The Patients can fill it out from their respective PHR accounts. You can view the filled questionnaire in the Patient > Patient Details > Questionnaires section.

Once the Patient fills in the questionnaire, Providers can view the Opioid Risk Score in the Chart Note and Medications sections while adding prescriptions.
Opioid Risk Score

Note: Patients cannot view their Opioid Risk Score.

Additionally, you can customize the Patient Face Sheet to display the Patient's Opioid Risk Score. Also, the latest score is visible in the Flowsheet. Clicking on the Opioid Score section lists the Patient's ORT questionnaire history.
Enable Opioid Scores

Note: We do not recommend relying on the questionnaire for making a final call. Providers can use the additional input as a reference while writing prescriptions.

Reconcile the Patient Records

You can Reconcile the data filled by the Patient with their existing records in the EHR by clicking the 'Reconcile' button.
Reconcile Questionnaire

Data filled by Patients can be seamlessly reconciled and added to their respective records in the EHR, instead of manually copying them one by one.

To reconcile the data, follow the step given below.

  • Create Questionnaires using widgets
  • Fill out the Questionnaire from the Patient Portal
  • Reconcile the filled data in EHR

Create Questionnaires using Widgets

  1. Go to the 'Settings > Questionnaires > Practice Questionnaire' section.
    Practice Questionnaire
  2. Edit an existing Questionnaire or click on the ‘New Questionnaire’ button to create a new Questionnaire.
    New Questionnaire Option
  3. Click on the ‘+ Add Items’ button.
    Add Questionnaire Items
  4. Add the required widgets (Allergies, Medications, and Supplements) and 'Save' the Questionnaire.
    Required Widgets List
    Save Questionnaire
  5. You can share the questionnaire with patients while booking an appointment or use the 'Message > Compose Questionnaire' option to send questionnaires without an appointment.
    Compose Questionnaire

Fill the Questionnaire from Patient Portal

Questionnaires shared with the Patients are listed under the 'Patient Portal > Questionnaires' section.
Patient Portal Questionnaire

The widgets included in the Questionnaire allow the Patients to fill in their active Allergies, Medications, and Supplements as shown below.
Patient History Questionnaire

After entering the details, click on the ‘Submit’ button.

Reconcile the filled data in EHR

Questionnaires filled by the Patients through the Patient Portal are accessible from the 'Encounter > Questionnaires' section and as well as from the 'Patient Details > Questionnaires' section.

For Questionnaires with Allergy, Medication, or Supplement widgets, an option is provided to reconcile the data filled by the Patient with their existing records in the EHR.

Once the Patient checks in for Consultation, the Nursing Staff can reconfirm the details with the Patient and then use the ‘Reconcile’ option to update the records.

The ‘Reconcile Patient Records’ window lists the data filled by the Patients in Questionnaire and the data present in the EHR together.

Data filled in the Questionnaire are shown in a different color to distinguish them from the Patient’s existing records in the EHR.
Reconcile Patient Records

  • Use the ‘Add All’ or individual ‘Add’ options to add the Questionnaire data to Patient records in the EHR.
  • If some corrections are required before adding, use the ‘Edit & Add’ option.
  • If there are some invalid entries, use the ‘Ignore’ or ‘Ignore All’ options.
  • In addition, you can also ‘Inactivate’ some of the existing Patient records in the EHR if they are no longer active.

Once reconciled, click on the ‘Preview’ button to preview all the actions performed in the previous step.
Reconcile Patient Records

After reviewing the data click on the ‘Save’ button to update the Patient record in the EHR.


  1. Go to the 'Patient Dashboard > Allergies' section and click on the '+ Allergies' button.
  2. If the patient is allergic to any Drug/Food/Environmental factors, it can be added to this section.
    Add Allergies
  3. Add the Allergens to the 'Allergen' field and choose the 'Type' of Allergy. You can also include more details such as when the Allergy was observed, the severity of the Allergy, etc.
    Add Allergen
  4. Click on the 'Add' button to add the Allergies for the Patient.

Insurance Details

  1. Click on the 'Patients' icon and select the Patient whose insurance details need to be filled in.
  2. Click on 'Patient Details' and select the 'Insurance' tab.
  3. Click on the '+ Insurance' button.
    Add Insurance
  4. Enter the Insurance details of the selected Patient. The Payers added under the 'Settings > Billing-Claims > Payers > + Payer' section will get auto-suggested in the 'Name' field under the Payer Details.
    Add Insurance Details
  5. You can also add multiple Prior Authorization numbers specific to each Specialty.
    Multiple Prior Authorization
  6. The Insurance details will get added.


  1. Go to Patient Dashboard > Patient Details > Pharmacy
  2. Click on the 'Add' option against the e-Rx Pharmacy.
    Add eRx Pharmacy
  3. Search for the Pharmacy name and add it to the list of e-Rx Pharmacies.
    Add Custom Pharmacy
  4. You can also add a Custom Pharmacy using the 'Add' option against the 'Custom Pharmacy' section or select from the Pharmacy Directory.
    Other Pharmacy

Patient Face Sheet

The Practitioner can get a quick overview of the Patient by viewing the Patient's 'Face Sheet'.

  1. Go to the Patient Dashboard and click on the 'Face Sheet' to view the summary of the Patient.
  2. You can customize the Face sheet by clicking on the 'Customize' button.
    Patient Facesheet
  3. Select the sections you need in the Face Sheet.
    Customize Patient Facesheet
  4. You can also Print and Download the Face Sheet from the options given above.

Timeline View

A Timeline view shows the Patient's medical records in a picture. Records included in the Timeline view are Appointments, Intake Forms, Encounters, Diagnoses, Prescription, Lab Orders, Image Orders, Referrals, Lab Results, Image Results, and Messages.

  1. Go to the Patient Dashboard and click on the 'Timeline' tab.
  2. The Timeline will appear as shown below. Records are shown in chronological order with the recent entries on the top.
    Patient Timeline Option
  3. You can also filter a particular section of the timeline you want to view.
    Patient Timeline Options

TagCloud View

Tag cloud view provides a bird's eye view of the Patient's medical data and is a color-coded visual representation of Diagnoses, Prescriptions, Supplements, and Abnormal Lab Record parameters. Different Patient data points get depicted in different font sizes based on the calculated weights using custom algorithms.

  1. Go to the Patient Dashboard and click on the 'Tag Cloud' option to view the Tag Cloud.
    Patient Tagcloud Option
  2. Tag Cloud can be regenerated by choosing the various parameter types like Rx, Diagnoses, Supplements, Allergies, Lab, etc.
    Patient Tagcloud