
Fullscript Integration

e-Prescribing of Supplement Orders

Practices selling supplements off their shelf often face problems in managing their inventory. The issues they face include:

  • Managing expired products and returning back to supplier
  • Potential Insurance Costs they incur to store inventory
  • Working Capital gets blocked affecting cash flow
  • Longer turnaround time for receiving stocks from supplier, hindering business, etc.

With integration with Fullscript, Charm allows providers to access the industry's largest catalog of professional grade supplements, which can be prescribed online through their personalized store. The order is then directly shipped to patients by Fullscripts.

Fullscript Integration Workflow

Fullscripts Integration Workflow

Useful Links on Fullscript Integration

Steps to Enable Fullscript Addon

Creating Supplement Template from Fullscripts

Adding Supplements from Fullscript Database

Adding Supplements from Fullscript Categories

Apply Discounts | Transmit Fullscript Orders Electronically

Fullscript Webinar