Appointment Notifications
Email Notifications
Email notifications include, whether you would like
- To send an Appointment Confirmation Email or not
- To send an email when the Appointment gets rescheduled
- To send an email when the Appointment gets canceled
- To send an Appointment reminder email to the Patient
- To send the Appointment reminder email
- To send emails when lab results, documents, or visit summaries get shared to the Patient portal
- Thank you for your Email after consultation
- To send PHR Welcome Email
- To send an Email when the Questionnaires are shared from Appointments, etc.
Email Notifications for Appointments can be configured by following the steps given below.
- Click on 'Settings > Patient > Email Notifications'
- Click on the 'Save' button to save your preferences.
You can edit the email content by clicking on the 'Edit Email Content' button. Click on the 'More Options' (...) and choose the 'Edit' option against the template you need to modify. You can use the pre-defined placeholders to create your content.
Text (SMS) Notifications
Text (SMS) Notifications for Appointments include, whether you would like
- To send an Appointment Confirmation message.
- To send a message when the Appointment gets rescheduled
- To send a message when the Appointment gets canceled
- To send the Appointment reminder message to the Patient
- To send a Waiting List Notification message
- To send messages when lab results, documents, visit summaries get shared with the Patient portal
- To send the vaccination reminders and when to send the vaccination reminder message
- To send birthday wishes to the Patients
- To send a notification when the invoices are sent to PHR (or) Email (or) Mailed.
- To send notifications when Patient Balance Due Statement is sent to PHR (or) Email
- To send an Appointment Payment Notification Message, etc.
- When to send the Appointment reminder (or) Video Consult reminder message
Text (SMS) Notifications for Appointments can be configured by following the steps given below.
- Click on 'Settings > Patient > Text/Voice Notifications' and go to the 'Text Notifications' section.
- Click on the 'Save' button to save your preferences.
- You can edit the message content by clicking on the 'Edit Text Content' option. You can use the pre-defined placeholders to create your content or use the default option. Please ensure not to send any PHI as a part of this message.
Voice Notifications
The Voice Notifications for Appointments include the following:
- Whether to send an Appointment reminder message to the Patient
- When to send the Appointment reminder message
- How many retries need to be done to send the voice message
- Whether to get confirmation from the Patients when they hear the voice message (and change Appointment status accordingly)
- Whether to allow Patients to cancel the Appointments when the voice message is delivered.
- Whether the Appointment Confirmation report has to be sent, and to whom it has to be sent, etc.
Voice Notifications for Appointments can be configured by following the steps given below.
- Click on 'Settings > Patient > Text/Voice Notifications' and go to the 'Voice Notifications' section.
- Click on the 'Save' button to save your preferences.
- You can also send a test call using the 'Test Call' option.