View Appointment
- Click the 'Calendar' icon on the Home Page and go to the 'Settings' option.
- In the Settings section, you can customize the available fields according to your preferences as follows. Each member can configure their own settings based on their preferences.
- View Schedules For - Select whether to view the and other Events for the Current Facility or All Facilities.
- Default View - Set the default view (List View, Day, Week, or Month) that gets displayed when the Calendar tab is opened.
- Time Slot - Choose your preferred duration (e.g., 10 minutes, 15 minutes) for the time slots displayed on the Calendar.
- Color Code Appointments by - If you have set up different color codes for Providers, Visit Types, and Appointment Status, you can choose to view the appointments in the calendar using any of these color codes.
- Additionally, you can also filter the appointments by Providers, Resource, or Visit Type. This lists the appointments in the calendar based on the chosen filter.
- If the Providers are licensed to perform Telehealth Consultations, you can use the 'State License' filter to choose the State and view the Providers licensed for that State (The USA only).
Checking Provider Availability
When the Patients call for Appointments, finding the Providers' availability by checking the schedule each day is a tedious task. To solve this problem, CharmHealth allows you to find out the 'Provider Availability' with the help of filters.
To check the Provider's availability, follow the steps given below.
- Choose the Provider Name.
- If you need to filter the Providers who are licensed to do video consultation in a particular State, choose the State from the 'State License' dropdown.
- Select the visit type or enter the duration of the visit.
- Click on the Appointment slot that needs to be edited.
- If required, enter the Patient's preferred Date/time.
- Click on the 'Check Availability' button.
The available slots of the Provider are fetched and shown based on the selected criteria. From the available slots shown, click on a slot to book the appointment.
Create Appointment
- Click on the 'Calendar' icon on the Home Page.
- Change the Calendar view to the 'Day' view.
- Select the 'Provider' or 'Resource' View.
- Provider view calendar:
- Resource view calendar:
- Click on an empty time slot to schedule an appointment or reserve the Facility Resource for the Patient. If you wish to book for a different date, select the date and schedule an Appointment or reserve the Facility based on availability.
- Select the Patient by searching the Name (or) Record ID. If the Patient is new to the Practice, use the 'New Patient' link to add them to your Practice.
- Choose the 'Visit Type'. Choosing the 'Visit Type' sets the duration of the Appointment automatically as per the pre-configured settings.
- Choose the 'Appointment Mode'.
- If the Appointment is needed over a period, then set the 'Date' option to 'Period' and choose the dates.
- Enter the 'Reason' for the Appointment.
- Enter the message in the 'Message to Patient' field if you wish to give any instructions to the Patient.
- You can share the Consent forms and Pre-Appointment Questionnaires that need to be filled by the Patient from the Patient Portal Login (or) Kiosk.
- Click on the 'Confirm' button to book the Appointment.
Double booking Appointments
If an Appointment is already booked for a slot, you can still book an Appointment for the same by clicking on the slot (the space near the previous Appointment). This opens up a new Appointment dialog box.
Automatic Eligibility Inquiry
Practices can now automate Insurance Eligibility Inquiries before the scheduled Patient Appointments. This automation streamlines the process by updating key Eligibility details, including Eligibility Status, Policy Validity Dates, Copay, Co-insurance, and Deductible directly to the Patient's Insurance. The Insurance Eligibility status is then displayed in the Calendar list view.
We also have the option to do the Eligibility Inquiry automatically when Patient Insurance gets added to CharmHealth. This enhancement ensures that the Providers have crucial Insurance-related details readily available before the Patient's Appointment in the following ways:
- Automatic Eligibility Inquiry Before Patient Appointments
- Option to do the Eligibility Inquiry when the Patient Insurance is Added
- Eligibility Inquiry - Fields updated from Eligibility Response to Insurance
- Insurance Eligibility Details are shown in the Calendar Section
- Eligibility Inquiry Report
- Enhancements to the 'Insurance' report in Analytics
Note: The feature is accessible to all customers having an account with Optum or Change Healthcare created as part of the e-Claims add-on.
Click on this link to access the detailed steps on how to configure and use the Automatic Eligibility Inquiry feature.
Payment Collection
The Payment Collection feature is available for Practices with a Payment Gateway Integration. It assists Practices in collecting copay before the patient's visit and helps to maintain control over accounts receivable.
You can use this feature manually by sending payment links to or by charging the cards stored on file or automate the copay collection process based on your Practice needs. It includes the following options that facilitate effortless payment collection:
- Bulk Charge Card on File: This option allows charging multiple patients with scheduled appointments at once using their card information stored on file.
- Bulk Send Payment Links to Patients: The Practice can send payment links to patients with scheduled appointments, by SMS and email.
- Generate Payment Collection History Report: This report provides a comprehensive view of Payment Link Sent and Charged Card on File transactions for analyzing and tracking purposes.
Click on this link to access the detailed steps on how to send, collect, process, and automate the Payment Collection feature.
Edit Appointment
The Practice can edit an Appointment by following the steps below.
- Click on the Calendar icon on the Home Page.
- Change the Calendar view to Day, Week, or Month view.
- Click on the Appointment slot that has to be edited.
- Click on the 'Edit' option in the 'Appointment Details' dialog box and edit the appointment.
- Click on the 'Confirm' button to save the changes.
Cancel Appointment
The Practice can cancel an appointment by following the steps given below.
- Click on the Calendar icon on the Home Page.
- Change the Calendar view to Day, Week, or Month view.
- Click on the appointment slot to be canceled.
- Click on the 'Cancel Appointment' button in the 'Appointment Details' dialog box.
- Mention the reason for the cancellation of the Appointment.
- Click on the 'Confirm' button to save the changes
Print Appointment Schedule
To print an Appointment schedule, follow the steps given below:
- Go to the Calendar icon on the Home Page.
- Click on the 'Print' icon and select the 'Print Appointment' option.
- Choose the date range, select the Providers whose Appointment schedules are to be printed, and click on the 'OK' button. You can also include the 'Other Events' and 'Cancelled Appointments' options in the printout.
- You can choose either the 'Print Appointment' or 'Print the Current View' option based on your needs.