Resource Center


Charm AI Scribe

Charm's Ambient AI Scribe is an innovative add-on feature designed to streamline medical charting by transcribing Patient-Provider conversations in real time.

By leveraging AI technology, this feature makes the documentation easier, helping Providers to focus more on Patient care.

Enabling Charm AI Scribe

The Practice Admin or Office Manager can enable the Charm AI Scribe by following the steps below.

  1. Go to the 'Add-ons' page by clicking on the 'Plug' icon.
    Add-ons Plug Option
  2. Click on the 'Enable Now' button under the 'Charm AI Scribe' add-on.
    Charm AI Scribe
  3. If there is no Credit Card on file in your CharmHealth account, click on the 'Add a Payment Method' button to enter your card details before enabling the add-on.
    Card Details
  4. Select the member roles (e.g., Physician, Therapist) that need access to this add-on.
  5. Choose a Pricing Plan between the two options.
    • Plan 1: $125 per Provider/month (unlimited Encounters)
      This plan is ideal for Practices with a high volume of Encounters. It allows for unlimited Encounters at a fixed monthly rate per Provider.
    • Plan 2: $2 per Encounter, with a monthly minimum of $20
      This plan is suitable for Practices with a lower volume of Encounters. Practices are charged $2 per Encounter with a monthly minimum charge of $20.

    Settings Page Charm AI Scribe
  6. Click on the 'Enable' button to enable the Charm AI Scribe add-on.
  7. Once enabled, the status of the add-on will be changed to 'Enabled'.
    Charm AI scribe Enabled

Note: After enabling, you can Edit the member roles in this section.

Using Charm AI Scribe within Encounter

Once the Charm AI Scribe add-on is enabled, you can start using it during Patient Encounters for real-time charting.

Charm AI Scribe is supported in SOAP, Comprehensive, and Brief Encounters.

i. Starting a New Encounter

To start an Encounter, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the 'Chart Note > + Encounter' section.
  2. Choose the Patient to create an Encounter.
  3. Alternatively, you can also create an Encounter from the Calendar or Patient Dashboard.
    Start an Encounter

ii. Transcribing Conversations

To start using Charm AI Scribe during a Patient Encounter, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the 'Charm AI Scribe (Mic)' icon to transcribe the conversation with the Patient.
    Mic icon Charm AI Scribe
  2. Once the Charm AI Scribe is ready, start your conversation with the Patient.
    Start Conversation
  3. Your conversation gets recorded and shown in real-time.
    Listening Screen
  4. If needed, minimize the Charm AI Scribe to access and work on the Chart Note.
    Minimize Charm AI Scribe
    Charm AI Scribe listens to your conversation even after you minimize it. Click on the 'Mic' icon to open the Charm AI Scribe window again.
    Blinking Mic icon
  5. You can also stop the transcription at any time by using the 'Stop Listening' option.
    Stop Listening

Stopped/Paused Transcription

Stopped Transacription

iii. Generating Chart Note

Once the Patient conversation is completed, click on the 'Generate Chart Notes' button to generate a concise summary of the Encounter.
Generate Chart Notes
Generating Chart Note for Transcription

Charm AI Scribe categorizes the transcription into multiple sections of the Chart Note like Chief Complaint, History of Present Illness, Past Medical History, Family History, Physical Exam, etc.

Also, the Charm AI Scribe suggests the related Dx Codes based on the conversation you had with the Patient.
Review Generated Chart Note

iv. Reviewing and Editing Chart Note

Review the generated Chart Note for accuracy and edit the content if needed.

All the sections of the generated Chart Note are selected by default. If required, Providers can uncheck the sections that are not required to be included in the Chart Note.

Once the Chart Note is reviewed and finalized, click on the 'Add to Encounter' button to add the notes to the Encounter.
Add Chart Note to Encounter
Added Notes to Encounter

By following the above steps, the Practices can efficiently configure and use Charm AI Scribe, allowing for more accurate documentation and enabling Providers to focus more on Patient care.