Practices selling supplements off their shelf often face problems in managing their inventory. The issues they face include.
- Managing expired products and returning them to the Supplier.
- Potential Insurance Costs they incur to store inventory.
- Working Capital gets blocked, affecting cash flow.
- Longer turnaround time for receiving stocks from suppliers, hindering business, etc.
With the integration of Fullscript, CharmHealth allows the Providers to access the industry's largest catalog of professional-grade supplements that can be prescribed online through their personalized store. The order is then directly shipped to Patients by Fullscripts.
Fullscript Integration Workflow

Configuring Fullscript Add-on
If you don't need to carry your own inventory and just want to electronically order supplements, you can make use of the Fullscript Add-on. Fullscript, the online dispensary platform empowers Providers by providing seamless access to its catalog of professional-grade supplements. By enabling this Add-on, you can order supplements to Patients electronically within the CharmHealth.
Once you have created the account with Fullscript, Practice Admin or Office Manager can link their Fullscript account to CharmHealth. To enable this feature,
- Go to Setting > Fullscript

- To link your Fullscript account, select the 'Yes, I have a Fullscript account' option. If you wish to apply the integration settings to all the Facilities, select the 'Apply this to all Facility' option. If you need to have separate Fullscript accounts for different Facilities, you may need to follow these steps for each of your Facilities to link your Fullscript account. Click on the 'Choose your Fullscript Account' button.

- Sign in to your Fullscript account with your credentials and authorize the integration.

- The list of all Providers will be fetched from Fullscript and displayed to you. Map the list to the members already added to CharmHealth and click on the 'Associate' button. If a member does not have a Fullscript account, choose the 'Enroll this member in Fullscript' option in the 'Fullscript Member' field. This will create the user account automatically in Fullscript.

- Once associated, the status will get 'Enabled' against the users.

- If you wish to disable the integration for a specific user, select the option '--Select--' in the 'Fullscript Member' field against the user to be disabled and click on the 'Associate' button.
Note: If the invitation from Fullscript has not been accepted by the Provider, the supplements cannot be transmitted from Charm to Fullscript.
Adding Fullscript Template from the Encounter
Practices can recommend the Fullscript Template added to the Charm Template during the Patient's Encounter by following the steps below.
- Create an Encounter for the Patient.
- Navigate to 'Recommendations > Supplements'
- Select the 'My Templates' option.

- Select the Fullscript Template added to 'My Templates'.
- Choose the Supplements to be added to the Patient's Chart and click 'Add'.

Adding Supplements from Fullscript Categories
- Click on the 'Load my Categories from Fullscript' option.

- Fullscript categories get loaded from the user's Fullscript account. Select a category to view all the products linked to that category. Choose the products and containers as required from the list. Fill in the intake details and add the product to the chart.

Transmit Fullscript Orders Electronically from the Encounter
- To send the prescribed supplements to Fullscript electronically, click on the 'Transmit > Fullscript' option.

- The following dialog opens up. Select the supplements that you would like to send electronically to Fullscript. If you wish to provide discounts to the Patients, use the 'Patient Discount' option from the 'Fullscript Discount Details' section.
- There are two levels of discounts. The ‘Clinic Level Discount’ is provided by Fullscript for your Clinic will be applied to all your Patients. On top of this discount, ‘Patient Level Discount’ can be given to specific Patients. Discount given to Patients are persisted against the Patient and will appear again for subsequent transmissions. (Note that the Clinic level discounts cannot be modified.) Click on the 'Send' button.
- On transmitting, the supplement status changes to 'Transmitted Electronically'.

Note: The Provider can transmit the supplements only by accepting the invitation and signing into their Fullscript account.
Charm does not show any order information. The only records shown are previously written recommendations in Charm. The Provider must log in to Fullscript to view order information.
Transmitting Multiple Supplements
Charm allows the Practices to send multiple supplements at once to Fullscript. To select multiple supplements, follow the steps below.
- Navigate to 'Patient Dashboard > Medications > Supplements' and select the 'Active Fullscript Supplements' filter option.

- To transmit all the Supplements that are 'Ready to Transmit', click the 'Transmit' button. Then, the 'Transmit to Fullscript' dialog box will appear.
- Verify the details and click 'Send'.