Resource Center




CharmHealth EHR is integrated with Appriss PMP Gateway service. CharmHealth EHR PMP Gateway integration automates searching of Patient PDMP data and is readily available for quick access within Provider's daily workflow. Healthcare Providers can simultaneously review a Patient's Medical record and PDMP data for controlled substance drug transactions and possible Opioid abuse.

With access to real-time PDMP data in the EHR at the point of care, Healthcare Providers can intervene for Patient safety and play an important role in mitigating potential Opioid/Controlled Substance abuse and drug diversion. By this integration, the Providers are freed from the need to login into a separate website for PDMP data or input Patient data, and they can spend more time focused on patient care.

This document describes the steps involved in enabling the PDMP Gateway service for your CharmHealth EHR account.

Subscription Fee

A one-time fee of $100 per Provider is charged towards the PDMP subscription. Apart from our charges, Appriss may charge for the PMP-EHR integration if the State is not funding the PDMP program and for the additional NarxCare reports. We request our clients to check with Appriss for any such additional costs.

Registering/On-boarding PDMP service for your practice

As a first step, register the Practice with Appriss PMP Gateway service to access the State level controlled substance prescription data. Appriss will provide instructions to complete PDMP registration with the requested States.

On successful approval by the State PDMP board, Appriss will assign a Project Manager to proceed with the CharmHealth EHR – PMP gateway integration. Appriss will send the PDMP access credentials and other integration details to CharmHealth. On receiving the access credentials from Appriss, CharmHealth will enable the PDMP feature for your Practice account.

Appriss registration form is available at

Fill in the below details in the form.

  • Solution of Interest - PMP Gateway
  • Facility Type Request - Practice
  • EMR Vendor Name - MedicalMine - CharmHealth EHR

Registration/On-boarding process is also explained in CharmHealth EHR at the 'Settings > Rx > PDMP Interface' section.

After the approval of PDMP State boards and subsequent integration, PDMP Status and Approved States details for your Practice account will be displayed in the 'PDMP Interface' section.
PDMP Status

Prescriber’s Privilege to Access PDMP Data

The Prescriber must have a required privilege set in CharmHealth EHR to access the PDMP data. By default, there are predefined roles like Physician and Physician Assistants that have the 'Enter SOAP Notes, Prescribe Medications, and Order Labs/Images' privileges.

Members assigned to these roles with the privileges like 'Enter SOAP Notes, Prescribe Medications, and Order Labs/Images' are allowed to access the PDMP data in CharmHealth EHR.

Apart from these predefined roles, users can create their custom roles. If the custom roles are created for Prescribers, then these roles should have the 'Enter SOAP Notes, Prescribe Medications, and Order Labs/Images' privilege.

Privilege can be configured by following the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the ‘Settings > Facility > Roles’ section.
  2. Click on the role that you need to edit.
  3. Select the ‘Enter SOAP Notes, Prescribe Medications and Order Labs/Images’ privilege under the ‘Encounters’ section.
  4. Click on the ‘Update’ button.
    PDMP Privilege

Assign Role to access PDMP Data

Practice Admin or the Office Manager should assign PDMP roles for the Prescribers to access PDMP data in their Practice. All the PDMP requests initiated by the Prescribers will be sent with their corresponding PDMP access role.

After integrating PDMP for your Practice, PDMP Access Roles can be configured for the Prescribers by following the below steps.

  1. Navigate to the Settings > Rx > PDMP Interface. Members with the ‘Enter SOAP Notes, Prescribe Medications and Order Labs/Images’ privilege will get listed.
  2. Map the corresponding PDMP Role for all the Prescribers.
    PDMP Status

NPI or DEA numbers need to be configured in CharmHealth EHR for enabling the PDMP role and accessing the data for each Prescriber (/member).

NPI/DEA can be configured in the 'Settings > Facility > Facility Members' section by the Member or Practice-Admin or Office Manager.

Access PDMP Data

On completion of PDMP integration and required configuration by the Practice admin, the members with privilege can see the PDMP option in the Prescription section of Encounter Notes as well as in the Medication section.

Prescribers can use this option to fetch PDMP data for the Patients before prescribing medication.

PDMP Link in the Encounter Section

PDMP from Encounter

PDMP Link in Medication Section

PDMP from Medication

To fetch PDMP data, ensure that the below details are configured for the Facility, Prescribers, and Patients. An error message will be shown if any of the required data is missing.

  1. Facility ('Settings > Facility > Facilities List')
  2. Provider ('Settings > Facility > Facility Members' or 'Settings > Accounts > My Profile ')
    First Name
    Last Name
    NPI / DEA
    Provider PDMP Access Role ('Settings > Rx > PDMP')
  3. Patient ('Patient > Edit Demographics')
    First Name &amb; Last Name
    Date Of Birth
    Postal Code
    PDMP Error

When the above-mentioned mandatory information is available, you will be able to view the PDMP Report dialog. If your State(s) support NARx, then the NARx score will be shown as a part of the PDMP view along with allowed states for which the Practice has registered for obtaining information.
Fetch PDMP Report

By default, PDMP data will be queried from all the States that are enabled for your account. The Provider can uncheck States for which they do not want to fetch reports.

On clicking the 'Fetch Report' button, the PDMP report for the Patient will be fetched using Appriss PDMP Gateway service for the selected States. The report fetched will be displayed in a new window.
PDMP Report