CharmHealth provides the support for connecting with external devices to auto-transmit the health parameters to your CharmHealth account. CharmHealth supports Scales from vendors like Health-o-meter, Tanita, Valhalla and InBody, etc.
To automatically store the measured data in CharmHealth using the Scales, follow the steps given below.
On successful integration of this add-on, you can add the External Devices to your CharmHealth account from the 'Settings > External Devices' section.
Under the 'Device List' option, click on the '+ Device' button.
Enter the Device Type from the dropdown and provide a unique Device Name to identify. Click on the 'Add' button to add the external device.
On successful integration of your device, the data from the scale gets auto-populated in the corresponding fields in the 'Patient > Add Vitals' section. It eliminates the time spent by your staff in manually keying in the data in Charm.
To receive notifications from the External Device, choose the device from the 'Register for notification device' dropdown menu under the 'Settings > External Devices > Preference' section.