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WhatsApp Integration


Enhance the way your Practice notifies Patients with a WhatsApp Integration. Keeping up with patient appointments and maintaining a high standard of care can be overwhelming, ensure sending timely notifications now.


To integrate WhatsApp with your Practice, you must have a WhatsApp Business Account and a few other details handy. In case you do not have one, click on this link to view a detailed user guide for setting up your business account.

  1. WhatsApp IDs - While setting up the WhatsApp Business Account, you can get the WhatsApp Permanent Access Token, Application ID, and WhatsApp Business ID. CharmHealth EHR requires you to share this information during the integration process.

    Note - When generating your WhatsApp Permanent Access Token on the Meta website, select the 'Never' option to prevent the token from expiring. Then, ensure the 'whatsapp_business_management' and 'whatsapp_business_messaging' options are also enabled.

    WhatsApp Permanent Access Token
  2. Phone Numbers - Associate a dedicated WhatsApp Business Account phone number with CharmHealth to send and receive WhatsApp messages. You cannot use the linked phone number to send or receive other WhatsApp messages or to make phone calls.

    Note - CharmHealth requires you to use a dedicated phone number for the WhatsApp integration. You can get a new number or delete any linked accounts to an existing phone number for WhatsApp integration.

  3. Credits - WhatsApp requires you to hold enough credits in your business account to communicate with customers. If you do not have sufficient credit, you can also purchase credit directly from WhatsApp.
  4. Other Charges - CharmHealth charges a nominal and fixed monthly fee for the WhatsApp subscription.

    Note - Facebook requires a GST number to activate WhatsApp Business accounts in India.

  5. Switch the App Mode toggle to 'Live Mode'.
    Live Mode

After creating your WhatsApp Business Account, please send a request email to to activate the WhatsApp Interface for your Practice.

Configure WhatsApp for Your Practice

Once the WhatsApp setup is available in your CharmHealth Account, you can view the WhatsApp Notification feature on your Settings page.

  1. Go to the 'Settings > Patient > WhatsApp Notifications' section.
    WhatsApp Notification option
  2. Click on the 'Subscribe WhatsApp' button.
    Subscribe whatsApp
  3. Enter the generated WhatsApp credentials as mentioned in the prerequisites.
    WhatsApp Configuration
  4. Click the 'Fetch Configured Phone Number from WhatsApp' button. Enter the phone number associated with your business account and click the 'Map Phone Numbers' button.
    WhatsApp Configuration
    Once done, CharmHealth EHR will submit the required templates on your behalf to WhatsApp for approval since WhatsApp allows sending notifications only through pre-defined template content. Typically, WhatsApp takes 2 to 3 business days to approve the templates.
  5. In the meantime, configure the Two-Way WhatsApp Messaging settings. It allows broadcasting marketing templates and receiving WhatsApp replies from your Patients.

Two-Way Messaging

The Practice will receive WhatsApp messages from Patients if they have configured a webhook in their WhatsApp Business Account.

Configure Webhook

After submitting WhatsApp templates for approval, the webhook configuration page is displayed on the screen. The Practice Admin can follow the steps below to set up a webhook for CharmHealth:

  1. Click the 'Manage' button to open your WhatsApp Business Account Meta settings page in a new tab.
    Configure your WhatsApp Business Account
  2. Navigate to the 'API Setup > Send or Receive Messages' section and confirm that the phone number selected matches the WhatsApp Business account phone number configured in CharmHealth.
  3. Then, go to the 'Configuration > Webhook' section and click 'Edit'.
    Edit Webhook
  4. Copy and paste the Callback URL and Verification Token displayed in the CharmHealth pop-up box within the respective fields.
    Edit Webhook's Callback URL
  5. Click the 'Verify and Save' button.
  6. Now, click the 'Manage' button to check the 'message_template_status_update, messages' field.
    Webhook Fields

On completion, the Practice will start receiving WhatsApp messages from patients immediately.

Note - If you plan to configure a webhook later, you can access the webhook configuration page by clicking the 'Configure Two-Way Messaging' link under 'Settings > Patient > WhatsApp Notification'.

Enable WhatsApp for Patients

Patients will receive WhatsApp notifications if the Practice has enabled it for them. Go to the 'Patient Dashboard > Patient Details > Patient Preferences' section and choose 'Yes' for 'WhatsApp Notifications'.
Enable WhatsApp Notifications

Note: Once you click the 'Save' button, CharmHealth validates a patient's mobile number. You can enable the feature for Patients with a valid WhatsApp number.

WhatsApp Reminders and Notifications

The WhatsApp Notification settings page displays all the available pre-defined templates for different workflows, such as appointment booking notifications, sharing lab results, etc. The Practice Admin can select the 'Required' option against each touchpoint to enable them. The Practice Admin can disable these touchpoints later based on Practice requirements.
Notifications to Patient

You can share record-based templates like visit summaries, lab results, lab reports, etc. through a password-protected link.

Practice Members can send WhatsApp Notifications from specific modules, depending on the templates enabled on the Settings page.

Note - Record-based templates can be shared through Secure URL or PDF for Practices located in specified regions (Not supported for US Practices).

Automatic Reminders

CharmHealth EHR auto-triggers WhatsApp notifications to Patients for the following Calendar updates:

  • Appointment Confirmation
  • Appointment Reschedule
  • Appointment Cancellation
  • Waitlist-related appointment updates

Note: WhatsApp notifications are automatically sent to the respective patients for updates in the Calendar section only. For updates in the remaining modules, Practice Members must send notifications manually.

Option to Send Notifications from Other Touch Points

You can send manual WhatsApp notifications from the respective module in the Physician or Patient Dashboard in the following ways:


Go to the 'Labs > Lab Results or Lab Orders' section and choose a signed Lab item. Click on the 'Share by WhatsApp' option to send the notification.
Share Signed Lab Item by WhatsApp

The patient will receive the details through a password-protected link on WhatsApp. To learn how patients can access the link within the notification, click here.

Chart Notes

Go to the 'Chart Notes' section and choose a signed chart. Click on the 'Send > Clinical Summary to Patient via WhatsApp' option.
Clinical Summary to Patient via WhatsApp

The patient will receive the details through a password-protected link on WhatsApp. To learn how patients can access the link within the notification, click here.


Go to the 'Documents' section and choose a signed document. Click on the 'Share by WhatsApp' option to send the notification.
Share Documents by WhatsApp

The patient will receive the details through a password-protected link on WhatsApp. To learn how patients can access the link within the notification, click here.


To receive WhatsApp reminders for appointments booked through web-embed, patients can enable the 'Allow Practice to Send Notifications Through WhatsApp' checkbox.
Allow practice to send notifications through WhatsApp

Send Secure Sharing Link

If you want a Patient to share personal medical records with the Practice, you can send them a secure share link that allows uploading documents. Go to the 'Patient Dashboard > More Options > Send Secure Sharing Link' option. Choose 'WhatsApp and Link Expiry Date' and click on the 'Send Link' button.
Send Secure Sharing Link to Patient

WhatsApp Message to Patient's Mobile

Patients receive WhatsApp notifications whenever the notification touchpoints configured in the Settings get triggered automatically or manually.

Patients will receive a WhatsApp notification message containing a password-protected link to access the shared PHI data.

They can click the link provided in the WhatsApp message and validate it using the OTP (One-Time Password) and their Date of Birth to access the data.(OTP validation is required in selected regions only)
WhatsApp Notification Message to Patient MobileWhatsApp Notification Message to Patient MobileWhatsApp Notification Message to Patient Mobile

The link remains valid for a maximum of 30 days, and Patients also have the option to download the contents if they choose to.

WhatsApp Messages View

All the outgoing WhatsApp messages to the patients are available in the 'Messages > WhatsApp Messages > Sent' section.
WhatsApp Messages View

All the incoming WhatsApp messages from the patients are available in the 'Messages > WhatsApp Messages > Received' section.
WhatsApp Messages View

Patient names are displayed if their phone number is registered and mapped to a single patient in your Practice records. Clicking on the message preview on the left pane shows the entire message on the right pane.

Note: The messages section does not display WhatsApp messages sent by Patients without configuring the Two-Way Messaging feature.

Note - Providers can respond to incoming messages within 24 hours of receiving them.

Unknown Patient Mapping

Messages from unknown phone numbers get auto-linked to a Patient once the Caregiver registers their phone number with the Practice.
Unknown Patient Mapping

Multiple Patients with the Same Number

If multiple patients share a phone number, Providers can click the 'Link Patient' option to map individual messages to any one of the linked Patients.
Multiple Patients with the Same Number

Configure Marketing Templates for WhatsApp

CharmHealth WhatsApp Integration offers an option for seamless marketing. Broadcast timely updates, exclusive offers, and important information directly to your patient.

Once the Practice has enabled a WhatsApp Business account with Two-Way Messaging, your Practice Admin can configure marketing templates by following the steps below.

  1. Go to the 'Settings > Patient > WhatsApp Notification' section.
  2. Click on the 'Create New Marketing Templates' link.
    Configure Marketing Templates for WhatsApp
  3. Configure the template title, header, body, and footer details in the pop-up box.
    Create Marketing Templates
  4. Click on the 'Submit' button
  5. After submission, WhatsApp will take 2 to 3 business days to approve your template. You can check the approval status on your CharmHealth Settings page.
    Create Marketing Templates

Send Marketing WhatsApp Notifications

Once WhatsApp approves the marketing templates, you can send bulk marketing notifications using the following steps:

  • Go to the 'Analytics > Custom Reports > Patient Statistics' section.
  • Fill in the required filters to generate a custom report containing a list of your target customers.
    For example, we have selected 'Age > 17' in the 'Demographics > Patient Category' filter to announce a blood donation campaign.
    Send Marketing WhatsApp Notifications
  • Click on the 'Generate' button to view the Patient list based on the chosen filters.
  • Then, click on the 'Bulk WhatsApp' button.
    WhatsApp Broadcast
  • Choose an appropriate approved marketing template in the pop-up box. Click on the 'Send' button. The WhatsApp notification will be sent to the Patients listed in the report for whom WhatsApp is enabled.
    Broadcast WhatsApp Messages