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At CharmHealth, the EOBs feature enables the Practice to post payments of all Invoices/Claims from the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) in a single place. This also helps the Practice to reconcile the Check/EFT payment with ease.

Post payments from paper EOBs

a. Adding Payments to multiple Claims/Invoices present in the EOB

The Practice can post the payments from an EOB, by following the steps given below.

  1. Go to the 'Billing > EOBs' section.
  2. Click the '+EOB Details' button.
    Add EOB Details
  3. Enter the EOB amount, Check/EFT Date, Check/EFT#, Payer Name, Beneficiary, Input Type, and Card details
  4. Use the 'Search & Select Invoice for Posting Payment' option and enter the Patient's name or Record ID. This lists all the outstanding Invoices of the Patient. Click the 'Select' button to post payments for the respective Invoice/Claim. You can also search the Invoices using 'Payer Name or ID'.
  5. Choose the Payment Method. If the BlueFin Gateway is enabled for your Practice, check the 'Use Payment Gateway' option and choose 'Card' as the Payment Method.
  6. In the 'Payment From' drop-down against the Invoice, choose the entity responsible for the payment: Primary or Secondary Payer.
    Add EOB Details
  7. Post the payment as per the EOB and click the 'Save' button.
  8. Once all payments are posted, click the 'Add' button. For each payment applied to an Invoice, a receipt will be generated and gets listed in the 'Receipts' tab.

b. Posting payments when payment is more than Invoice/Claim Due

  • If the payment in the EOB is more than the Invoice/Claim due, the Practice can use the 'Excess payment to the Invoice' field.
    Excess Payment to the Invoice
  • This excess amount will be used as an Unused payment in the Receipt added.

Post payments for all members of the family

CharmHealth allows the Practice to post the payment for the family members.

  1. Under the 'Payment From' drop-down, select the 'Patient' option.
  2. Search and select the Patient by Patient's Name/ID.
    EOB Linked Patient
  3. On selecting the Patient, all the outstanding Invoices of the Patient and linked Patient(s) get listed.
  4. Select the Invoices from the list and post the payment.

Charging Virtual Credit cards issued by payers

  • A few Payers use Virtual Credit Cards for Claims payments to the Providers, instead of sending paper Checks or paying via the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) standard transaction.
  • When paying via Virtual Credit Card, the Payers send single-use Credit Card payment information and instructions to the Practice via mail, fax, or email.
  • The Practice then processes the payment. This is enabled only to the Practices with the BlueFin Payment Gateway.
    EOB Use Payment Gateway
  • Enable the 'Use Payment Gateway' option and choose the 'Card' option under the 'Payment Method' drop-down menu.
  • Choose the Beneficiary Name and Input Type. Enter the Card details and select the outstanding Invoices. Enter the payment details.
  • Click the 'Save' button to update the payment posted.

Refund excess payments to payers

To refund the remaining amount of EOB to the Payers, follow the steps given below.

  1. When an Excess Payment is added to an Invoice from EOB, the Excess payment will be available as an Unused Payment on the respective Invoice.
  2. Use the 'Show Receipt(s) of this EOB' link available on the EOB Details page that lists all the Receipts mapped to this EOB.
  3. The Practice can issue a refund on a receipt using the 'Payment Refund' option available under the 'More Options' (...) icon against the receipt.
    Show Receipt of this EOB
    Payment Refund to Patient

Delete EOB

To delete an EOB, follow the steps given below.

  1. Click the 'More Options' (...) icon against the EOB to be deleted and select the 'Edit' option.
    Edit EOB
  2. Remove all the payments applied to Invoice(s) (Using the 'X' mark available at the top-right corner of the Invoice) and enter the EOB amount as Zero.
  3. Nullify the total EOB amount and click the 'Save' button.
  4. Click the 'More Options' (...) icon against the EOB and select the 'Delete EOB' option. You can also select the 'Delete EOB' button on the EOB Details page.
    Delete EOB
    Delete EOB Option
  5. Enter the Comments and confirm the deletion. The EOB gets marked as Deleted.

List EOBs with excess payments

  • The EOBs with excess payments can be viewed under the Search Option with the 'Has Excess Payment' filter option applied.
    Has Excess Payment Option
  • The EOBs that have Receipts with unused payments or excess payments get listed.
    List EOBs with Excess Payments
  • It helps the Practice to take action accordingly.

EOB - Show Receipts

  1. The Receipts of the EOB can be viewed from the 'Billing > EOBs' section.
  2. Select the EOB to view the details.
    EOB Show Receipts
  3. Click the 'Show Receipt(s) of this EOB' option to view the Receipts.
    Show Receiots of the EOB Option
  4. This navigates to the 'Billing > Receipts' section with the filter 'Show Receipts of the EOB' and the EOB# applied automatically.
  5. Alternatively, you can view the Receipts from the 'Billing > Receipts' section.